Customer Testimonials

Our Reviews Speak for Themselves

Many North Florida residents have used Yard Depot for all kinds of landscaping Jacksonville FL projects, and this has led to some wonderful reviews.

“Used Billy and Yard Depot last year on my back yard complete remodel including raised flower bed around my entire back yard, paver sidewalk and patio, back yard graded. The job turned out great.”

“We used Billy and Yard Depot for a major job that included new drainage, a 90ft driveway with parking spot, paver work, tree work, curb replacement and landscape work. We could not be happier with the end result. More importantly Billy was very attentive, fair and communicated well. The project was completed in the time frame requested even though we added several large items to the job as we went.”

Contact Yard Depot today for a free estimate on turning your yard into a dream oasis!